Secrets behind rebranding – Kendrick Shope Show

13 Mar, 2018 | How to captivate | 0 comments

Kendrick Shope is a sales genius! When we love what we do so much, like I know you do too, sales should feel like helping because that’s what you’re doing: you are helping people.

That’s Kendrick’s philosophy around sales and that’s what makes me so happy to be able to help her with her with her branding.

Wanna know what branding mistakes to avoid and what to look for when branding or rebranding? That’s exactly what we talked about in this Kendrick Shope Show.

Grab the popcorn! ?

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Hi! New here?

I'm Laís

You love what you do and want to attract clients that love it as much as you do. My job is to help you to captivate your ideal clients through your brand and website so that they feel connected to you and trust you.

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Kendrick shared mistakes to avoid

  1. Listening to everybody’s opinions: and leaving your personality aside.
  2. Not letting the experts do their thing: pick someone you trust so that everything feels easy and you don’t have to micromanage.
  3. Not displaying the media and testimonials the right way: those are SO important and often an afterthought.

BONUS: Not getting clear on YOU and your vision before branding. This is the first step and we do this in the Captivating Brand Session.

Tips and takeaways minute by minute

2:40 – What’s important to think when branding yourself (tip: professional isn’t all that is)

6:57 – Why personality is so important in branding

11:40 – How to rearrange your website to make it scannable.

18:16 – Branding begins with how you want to show up and the meaning behind your brand. This comes before colors and fonts.

24:28 – Your contradictions are actually wholeness. Don’t water you personality down. That’s what makes you unique, interesting and gives you depth.

26:41 – Your brand is different than your niche

Check Kendrick’s website clicking on the image bellow!

It’s live!

3 headshot places for a  captivating  sales page that builds trust

Where should I send it?

Where should I send it?

Where should I send the details?

Where should I send the details?