Why you need thank you pages (and how to use them)

30 Jan, 2018 | How to captivate

After any offer, free or paid, you need a thank you page. But this page can be as memorable or as forgettable as you make it be.

Watch the video bellow and make your thank you pages intentionally instead of an afterthought thing.

Hi! New here?

Hi! New here?

I'm Laís

You love what you do and want to attract clients that love it as much as you do. My job is to help you to captivate your ideal clients through your brand and website so that they feel connected to you and trust you.

Thank you pages are the first time you get closer to your ideal client


Yes, it is! They’re not just browsing anymore. They decided to give you their number (I mean, email address). 

Now, why say:

– Cool! I call you latter 😉 

Instead of:

– Thank you. I’m excited to get you know more. What if we meet here?

The equivalent of that in the online world would be inviting them to your free call, webinar, workshop, Facebook group. Anywhere you can connect. And even if they don’t go, there’s other benefits to that.

They will remember you

You have few seconds to make your first impression.

When you use your thank you page for this you’re a few steps ahead of 80% of people.

You can use your thank you page to

  • Get people to remember you;
  • Connect and show you get them;
  • Make a point;
  • Invite them to stay in touch;
  • Up-sell an offer;
  • Assure them they made the right decision;
  • Remind them of something important;
  • Give instructions or next steps;
  • Educate on what you do;

Have I convinced you?

If so, you might be thinking what you should do. And it’s simple.

You don’t need fancy camera or software

That’s right. Just use your phone or your computer camera and you’re done. Even better if you can record it in one take, no editings because it makes it more informal and personal.

Chose what you want people to get out of it and lead with that.

And gat to the point right at the beginning because otherwise they will close the window before you get a chance to hook them up.

Happened to me before.

You can make the layout very simple, but I’ll give you two examples of mine.

“But how do you make Youtube videos play on auto?”

I’m glad you asked! Here’s the code for it. Just update the pink with what comes after the slash in your youtube video link (example: https://youtu.be/9Nsl5Bjqxk8).

<div class=”fluid-width-video-wrapper” style=”padding-top: 56.2963%;”>
<iframe src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/[swich this part for the code for your video]?autoplay=1&rel=0&showinfo=0&feature=oembed&wmode=opaque” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen=”” id=”fitvid0″>

For Vimeo videos you have the option right in it.

If this was helpful to you, join the Facebook group!

… and let me know because I’m aways creating for people who want to connect with your audience from the moment they land on your website.


3 headshot places for a  captivating  sales page that builds trust

Where should I send it?

Where should I send it?

Where should I send the details?

Where should I send the details?