What to say on thank you pages

22 May, 2018 | How to captivate

After any offer, free or paid, you need a thank you page. But what do you say on your thank you page

Watch the video bellow and never get lost on what to say on a thank you video again. 

Hi! New here?

Hi! New here?

I'm Laís

You love what you do and want to attract clients that love it as much as you do. My job is to help you to captivate your ideal clients through your brand and website so that they feel connected to you and trust you.

You already know thank you pages are the first close contact with your ideal client

But most people do them wrong.

Think about it. How many times you checked your email to see a lot of people you don’t remember having subscribed?

That’s because they haven’t created a connection with you. They invested a lot of time and effort to create an amazing opt-in but forgot the thank you page.

It doesn’t have to be a 3 part video series to be make you memorable.

And it doesn’t have to be fancy or complicated, but it’s good to have a video.

What you need to say on your thank you page video


GOAL: be remembered and get people used to say yes to you

1. Grab attention and give an action: “Before you jump out of this page (CTA: invite them to stay to hear a lesson, put you in their contacts, put on their calendar, book a consult, join your group) because (give a reason)”.
2. Tell something about you, your freebie or how excited you are. Show some enthusiasm.
3. Anticipate something: “I’m looking forward to (what you’re looking forward to).”


GOAL: make them feel good about their decision

1. Congratulate with enthusiasm
2. Assure them of the amazing decision they made
3. Give one easy action to complete: celebrate, join a private group, send you an email.

Want more?

What about how to film it without fancy equipment and make sure you create a great first impression?

I shared some special tips with the Captivating Communication ™ Community a while ago and I created a shorter version of that specially for you.

All you have to do is subscribe to my list bellow to get instant access to the first of 3 videos that are going to teach you:

  • How to frame, use lighting and non-verbal communication to connect
  • How to say what you need to say to make the best of both frameworks
  • What are the next steps to make the most of your opt-ins to create a great first impression.

You’re also going to be getting emails from me about post like this one and other tips I only share with my community.

And I would love for you to be part of it.

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Where should I send it?

Where should I send it?

Where should I send the details?

Where should I send the details?