Shine your bright light with Annette Szproch

Shine your bright light with Annette Szproch

Shine your bright light because you’re guided even in the darkness. Annette shared her voice with us in this episode and some interesting things happened. Subtle harmonies in the transitions between her voice and mine. This is something I often do afterwards when I...
Find the fun with Marisa Raymond

Find the fun with Marisa Raymond

 In this episode I invited the family-centered life coach, genetic counselor and yoga teacher, Marisa Raymond, to bring these messages to you with me. Join us to find the fun in the bleeps and blows and ups and downs through singing our hearts out. Before this guest...
Feel it all, heal it all

Feel it all, heal it all

I felt called to share my daily prayer with you on this episode. And, yes, it was channeled. Here are the words for you to repeat with me. May my heart be open and clear May my mind be striped away of judgement and fear Beings of light want you to know that you’re...
Feel it all, heal it all

Come without fear

In this episode our angels and guides came in waves to support us in our service so that we can move without fear. The Maa frequency also came through. The sound of the divine mother, a very special nurturing sound. Bring your soul sounds to this, play with this words...

Where should I send it?

Where should I send it?

Where should I send the details?

Where should I send the details?