How Innovation personalities express on their website

3 Apr, 2018 | How to captivate | 0 comments

We’re on week 3 of Sally Hogshead’s Fascination System applied to your visual identity.

Knowing the best way communicate, your languages of fascination, can help you thrive in person and boost your confidence as well.

The whole point of this series is show you how to get the same amazing first impressions on your website.

Make sure you take your free test to know what’s your two main archetypes.

Hi! New here?

Hi! New here?

I'm Laís

You love what you do and want to attract clients that love it as much as you do. My job is to help you to captivate your ideal clients through your brand and website so that they feel connected to you and trust you.

Innovation language traits

  • Creative people
  • Problem solvers with innovative ideas
  • Visionaries
  • Go against the norm
  • Unconventional
  • Entrepreneurial
  • Experimenting is their thing. Always starting something, not always finishing
  • They won’t settle for prove and tested

How to express innovation on your website

Innovation can get away with a bit of chaos. Have a consistent brand but find ways to break the rules intentionally. You have a need to be unconventional. It’s in your veins. Don’t hold back.

Your brand can be constantly changing and challenging your industry. Thought-provoking works for innovation. They thrive in challenging their audience to think outside the box.

Use wit and humour in your copy and visual elements. In your pictures too. Don’t settle for a conventional photoshoot. Be playful, take funny and unexpected pictures.

In video, play with your audience. Ever seen Marsha Shandur videos? She’s hilarious, totally unexpected and it fits her. It might not be your kind of humour and it’s ok. You wouldn’t copy anyway! Create your own style.

Bright colors and bright images work great for innovation, but if bright is the norm in your industry try something on the opposite feel. “Do the opposite” is your mantra.

Surprise your audience with unexpected images, words, animations, statements. Be bold. You can either reinvent the old or bring something new to the table. Creating connections between things that don’t seem to go together also can be interesting.

Use a dose o vice to entice your people to join you with phrases like: “You know you want this”.

Wanna know more about other archetypes?



3 headshot places for a  captivating  sales page that builds trust

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