How to create real scannable copy

How to create real scannable copy

Paragraph, bullet points is just the beginning. Real scannable copy allows for people to actually SCAN. Shocking, right? Yes, you could have figured it out by yourself because you’re a smart entrepreneur. And because you’re smart I know you’ll keep...
Why you need thank you pages (and how to use them)

Why you need thank you pages (and how to use them)

After any offer, free or paid, you need a thank you page. But this page can be as memorable or as forgettable as you make it be. Watch the video bellow and make your thank you pages intentionally instead of an afterthought thing. Hi! New here? I'm Laís You love...
3 steps to bring your personality to your website

3 steps to bring your personality to your website

Website pictures, graphics and language that relates to your personality matters. This two videos were created to help you start with that. If you preffer to read the take aways, scroll down. Hi! New here? I'm Laís You love what you do and want to attract clients...

Where should I send it?

Where should I send it?

Where should I send the details?

Where should I send the details?