How Mystique personalities express on their website

8 May, 2018 | How to captivate

This is week 7 and last one of Sally Hogshead’s Fascination System applied to your visual identity. And today we’re talking about Mystique.

I’m a Mystique too. Mystique people are hard to read and it’s one of the hardest languages to use in visuals (not so much in marketing because curiosity is a great tool here) because it’s the language of listening and substance. Nothing can be superficial with Mystique. There’s always more to it.

That’s why I like the concept of layers as if you would be peeling one layer at the time to get closer to the complete puzzle. But the catch is Mystique needs to attract people first so that they want to know more and start peeling those layers.

Are you a Mystique? Knowing the best way communicate, your languages of fascination, can help you thrive in person and boost your confidence as well.

The whole point of this series is show you how to get the same amazing first impressions on your website.

Make sure you take your free test to know what are your two main archetypes.

Hi! New here?

Hi! New here?

I'm Laís

You love what you do and want to attract clients that love it as much as you do. My job is to help you to captivate your ideal clients through your brand and website so that they feel connected to you and trust you.

Mystique language traits

  • Listening
  • Think before speaking
  • Observers
  • Problem solvers
  • It’s hard to read a mystique
  • Logical
  • Independent
  • Can keep calm under pressure
  • Don’t care about being behind the scenes
  • Objective and analytical
  • Mysterious

How to express mystique on your website

Create information gaps. That creates expectation, like you know something they don’t.

Create mystery and make people curious. Choose what to share and what not. Don’t reveal everything. Select carefully what to say.

Ask questions. Give pieces of your story and let people fill the gaps, leaving open space for imagination.

Create exclusivity. What can you do to make people feel like insiders?

Add hidden gems in your website, like Easter eggs. This also helps who finds it feel closer to your brand, like they’re part of the inner circle.

Have secrets and surprise people with unexpected things.

Add a magical or mythological element to your brand. It can be a creation story, rituals, secret ingredient or other secrets.

On your headshots keep a mysterious eye contact.

Wanna know more about other archetypes?







Want website visitors to like and trust you? Try this 3 captivating  headshots.

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Where should I send it?

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Where should I send the details?